Thursday 12 June 2014

Morning Mumble: GKP (The shorts are on) for this morning & Hummingbird (perhaps NYO wasn't so bad)

Whilst reviewing the situation in Iraq as al-Qaeda forces have seized Mosul and Tikrit, being far from an expert, it was noted that this is likely to be a significant push lower for GKP. GKP will suffer from volatility as traders beging playing on sentiment and a total lack of support for the stock. The problem GKP/Genel have is the news is very slow out of the reason which adds further 'risks'. I don't perceive it to be as bad as what has been made out and as such, will be looking to acquire Genel (not GKP) over the coming days/weeks. Surprisingly, I’m long…spring madness in the Summer!

The reaction to the Victoria Oil & Gas announcement was unsurprising really. Genset Connections and Thermal Update which albeit positive leaves me wondering if VOG should change the management. I’m fully aware I say this a lot, but there appears to be a theme. Better still why don’t VOG get someone in to manage the IR; it’s an issue that needs addressing! I could spare one day a week and show them how its done! I hold VOG but strangely, I have this sensational feeling its going to always be lack lustre.

With the miners taking a kicking because of the outlook for commodities its no surprise the favourites are out of favour today! I suspect the markets are likely to price the doom and gloom well before the realities dawn and a realisation that “things” aren’t so bad as the price. The numpty trade for today was Rio Short from the off, close by 11, if  not before!

What are Hummingbird Resources (HHUM) playing at? Yes I’m aware issuing shares for an asset that cost $45M 5 years ago and has had near £60M spent on it may be viable, but ‘word has it’ that no man or dog wanted to touch the Yanfolila Project. I had to stop myself typing asset, yes the metrics look encouraging, the grades encouraging but surely Hummingbird should perhaps focus on their “other asset.” The Dugbe 1 Project Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) is currently on-going. Proposed Acquisition of all of Gold Fields' Gold Assets in Mali (Yanfolila Project) Of course this may have material benefits such as “potential” funding for Dugbe, but one cannot help but wonder if its getting to thin on the ground.

For those following Anglo Pacific (APF) you’ll note the overlap with Hummingbird (HUM) for a 2% net smelter royalty. One will await the DFS soon before any excitement for APF can be shown, it has to be said that for a royalty company some ‘acquisitions’ are questionable, not forgetting their most recent Maracás Vanadium Project royalty. One will be hoping for a ramp up at Dugbe to 250-300K ounces per annum to make a decent return for APF. Likely? We won’t have to wait long to find out!

Finally, parties are recommending that people buy Kefi? Surely sensible investors already hold Kefi if they’re holding Nyota? If that’s the case expecting a price drop on Kefi post any issue of shares to holders in NYO! For one I’ll be tipping out! I don’t rate gold stocks on the whole…Kefi, yes has some shrewd management but alas, if gold exposure should be physical. Placing after placing puts a cap on things!

It is the weekend for me in a few, then I must make preparation for a jolly next week, having decided to take up an Ascot invite I wasn’t so excited about. Having been persuaded with the offer of transport and lodgings, one will evaluate the hospitality in the fullness of time..with my horse racing success limited to picking failures all tips appreciated!

Atb Fraser

N.B in the time it has taken to type this and multitask GKP positions are closed…


  1. Fraser- yes- busy with a mixture of news, cricket (3 down pads are on....) and general stuff today.

    Re VOG- yes- not great at PR but they have promised a further, more comprehensive update before the end of the month, which just happens to coincide with their promised stage 1 move with AES Sonel, the electric company with is currently using heavy fuel oil in the capital. The prod rate seems to be 4.0mln/d now, or very close and the AES start up should add between 2.6mln/d to 5.9mln/d, which is v v significant, and they have stated that a full AES heavy fuel oil conversion would add 50mln/d if they can achieve this. This is the key contract, nevermind the odd factory here and there, which are more the icing on the AES cake. Im long VOG too and hoping they announce some AES progress or even stage 1 completion, that would be pivotal and be a big buy signal for me.

    Re HUM- don't really follow but SP Angel have some comment today (see below) which indicates Yonfolila would need capex of $52m and would yield an IRR of 53% and all in sustaining costs of $700/oz, which seems like a great gold project, if true. I guess its not quite as simple as that.... :-))

    Cheers. The Leggie

  2. Cheers Leggie, hope your innings is as fruitful as your QPP :-)!

    Re: the IRR, if you consider all in costs at an operational level plus the funding requirements of 40% capital, 60% debt it reduces a lot but is viable. The fact is, Hummingbird isn't of such a size both projects 'will be affordable.' It's an added distraction, without achieving the original goal of Dugbe 1 currently. Perhaps in time it will appear more fruitful that at first glance?

    Appears more about doing the deal than the economics of the company to me! There's plenty of assets out there that the owners are distressed about, admittedly the economics look positive, if one had the cash. Will be interesting to see a full feasibility, as $52M looks "very very very" cheap for 81K per annum, I suspect it's more than like nearer $75-81M which changes the economics a 'tad'.

    TC F

  3. Fraser- Re QPP- haha- I will remind you of that quote when they buy Apple and Google and get renamed Mega Corp in 2024 :-))) Safely in my multi decade portfolio and no plans to trade QPP, just ride it out. I could however see some board changes in the fullness of time.

    Re HUM- yes- those figures could be out of date, from 2012 or later no doubt. Maybe Dugbe 1 is now on the backburner and its full steam ahead with Yonfolilia- as you say they would have to be swivel eyed to try to advance both at the same time.

    Re LMI- perhaps a deal can be done with that daft union in SA- I wont buy on this news but surely they need to get that strike ended as their assets are now now of very questionable value and the future looks poor, even post strike.

    Cheers. The Leggie
