Friday 19 April 2013

Rurelec: Finally have investors gone through the transcripts??? Understanding the Issues including IRR? (Investment Rate of Return)

This may not be long lived, but clearly an indication people have spent sufficient time going over the transcripts. What say we to $105M Remember there's costs, so it'll work out a bit less.

Having been buying for near 2 years, anyone whom has followed an appropriate buying strategy and traded at peaks should be near 6 fold up as of today. When going through the audio-recordings did anyone spot the 'valuation that was suggested?' It was suggested around $123.3M if you do the maths...I suspect someone has done their's. 

Disappointingly, only three comments on the 'issues' Evil Kinevil (Simon Cawkwell) has missed and been somewhat inaccurate in his commentary. His understanding (or lack of) on the purpose of International Arbitration is shown in his terminology and discussion of the 'facts'. One respondent is eating or has eaten a Bacon Sarnie as their prize, the other went to the pub...two were politely inform the contributors to stick this domain up our...many thanks. That is why we have moderation that cannot be avoided.

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