Monday 20 October 2014

Morning Mumble: My exclusive (with common-sense) BSkyB (BSY) but is partnership the best model.

BSkyB may make move into mobile phones (The Times). Its interesting that BSY is belatedly going into Mobile comms, what is not surprising is the discussions taking place albeit why is BSY having discussions with EE and O2; the surprise will be if it's not Vodafone. Lets exclude the other two on the basis on EE not having a partnership agreement with EE, O2's partnership with BT.A.

Vodafone already supplying Sky Go (or on the go) over their network and a logical marriage would benefit both parties. Quite why it's only a JV is beyond me, Vodafone and Sky would benefit massively with synergies that would enhance both companies and funding/leverage  that would steer the direction of both companies right into the homes jointly improving margins. Alas, this is common-sense talking the JV is likely to add little value above maintaining market share within the quad-play environment. Both companies need this but do they realise it yet? Can one company's (BSY) management give up some control? 

Both companies can certainly avoid a marriage, but whether shareholders wish to ignore the massive potential is another thing. 

Atb Fraser

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