Thursday 11 April 2013

Rurelec & the Overlap

There appears to be significant overlap between Rurelec investors and Churchill.

Assuming Rurelec hit the Twenty Pence Mark or thereabouts I envisage some further exposure for Oxus Plc and Churchill Mining. My reasoning is simple, investors will gain a better understanding of the process and have more faith (read as blind faith for a few idiots on BB's).

For clarity, I have been involved with Third party Litigation Funding directly and in directly for a number of years. I would encourage people to look at What Calunius, Juridica and Burford do and also review their results. I'm biased as I have a shareholding there as well...

I'll have a moan for awhile as well..what is up with Bulletin Boards? There used to be a quality about them, analysis, discussion and a belief in discussing risks. It is appalling to see trollers, rampers/derampers and people that post purely without being risk aware. 

Consider the above, then answer me this question...when has a Company failed in its Arbitration Claim that's 'rights have been impacted by a Government's inefficiency either by Nationalisation, lack of protection of rights or a deliberate failure to enable 'freedom to do business? I'm not going to answer it because when people learn the risks, they'll actually realise how good International Arbitration Claims are for an investor! 

For the limited readers I have, which is nice, I actually want you to consider the above properly...I'd also like you to consider when BB's have lost you money and why they should not be used...have a good evening!


  1. Good Evening. Ive just found this link and curiosity is my driving force for hopefully bringing a bit of clarity to my understanding of BIT or the associated disputes. Having been a long term holder of Churchill Mining (lost considerably! probably because of the influences you have mentioned above) and now Rurelec shares (waiting patiently with anticipation!). I have found my self becoming more interested in these types of potential investment. From this I have (probably in niavity) started to watch the process begin elswhere. In Particular Rusoro mining vs Venezuela. I believe that Calunius are now involved with the funding and as an example This appears to be in its infancy of the process. It also appears to be untarnished or influenced by the usual UK bb,s.
    Just as an add note. I cannot seem to find any cases of Companies in arbitration as described above losing?? so from a complete novice's point of view I hope you don't mind me watching and hopefully learning!

  2. Mr Anonymous - please read through all the previous posts to gain an understanding - there is a distinct difference between investing & funding International Arbitration Case Investing - if you assess the claim/case on probability & buy over time / selling on 'random' spikes you can make serious money off beer money - I will answer the questions in due course but my emphasis is getting people to understand & look at what there is available to invest in very concrete type companies or their claims / chl have risks but the lose all ratio is around 10% by my friends calculations - better than most aim companies - please note there's very little in between possibilities -

    1. Many thanks for the feedback and I look forward with interest and an open mind
